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Saturday, 26 February 2011

Grooming Young People Who Will Become Change Catalysts and Nation Builders.

Research holds that sex is one of the major causes of tension in the lives of young people. Growing up in an environment where she saw sex being abused by young and old and realising the ignorance of young people about sex and how it's destroying the future of many of our future leaders which she is passionate about, Timidi (through her youth focussed organisation- C.H.A.N.G.E. Catalysts) facilitates a quarterly empowerment seminar for young people to educate them in this regard.

 At one of her recent seminars tagged "Sex and You" attended by 120 youths drawn from 30 secondary schools in Ogbomoso, which held in 2010 in Oyo State, Nigeria, Timidi alongside other notable speakers, educated, informed and inspired the youths about sex and how to avoid it's pitfalls and keep chaste till they are married. 

This re-orientating seminar has motivated these young folks in the path of sexual chastity with a conviction to maintain this virtue till they are married. In addition, many of them have become ambassadors of sexual chastity advancing same cause among their peers. In such a short while Timidi has become a model among many young people who admire her noble work.

    -C.H.A.N.G.E. Catalysts...grooming the youth that will build the nation.

1 comment:

  1. Timidi,

    I must commend the great work you are doing with the young people of our generation. Waoh! I found the testimonial article of your activities above quite inspiring.

    There is no doubt that that wise man or woman couldn't have put it better when he or she said: "Build the youth and you build the nation." The youth which remains the strongest force of any unit of human existence-be it the home, religious fold, educational institution, corporate organisation or better still a country, can't be neglected and such a people wouldn't suffer the lose of a virile future.

    On behalf of our country, and it's teeming young people I applaud your admirable noble contribution to nation building. May posterity be kind to you for this.

    Kind regards,

    Oladele Olunike.

    Sent from my iPad

    Oladele is a quintessential polymath
    who is not afraid to stand alone and
    tread the path considered unpopular by others.
    As a professional speaker and image grooming consultant,
    he epitomises impeccable sartorial polish,
    with a dramatic and effervescent delivery style
    which illuminates any audience and imparts proven hands-on
    and recreatable solutions. He believes that:
    “If you know where you are going, your journey is short.
    If you know how to get there, your journey is shorter.
    If you know who has got there, your journey is 'shortest'.
    If you are willing to submit to who has got there by apprenticeship,
    and he or she is willing to take you on by mentorship, you are there!"
    He yearns always to impart, impact but
    never impress.

    Skype: oladele.olunike
