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Friday, 24 February 2012

                                    LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX-PART 1
Let’s talk about sex baby,
Let’s talk about all the good, all the bad things…
I remember hearing these lyrics in passing while I was must younger
Sex! Hmmm! That word! SEX!
Sex is a term that is frequently used, and yet poorly defined and as every word on earth, sex has a lot of definitions and applications ranging from Biology, Reproduction, Specie, Coitus… the list is endless.
Sex can be defined a thousand ways, yet there is no single answer to what sex is.
It’s a fact: your children will learn about sex.
The question is: who will teach them? Whose values will shape and mold their thinking?
Most children learn more about sex from friends, television, magazines and books than from their own parents. Parents generally find it difficult to talk about this sensitive subject. Discomfort does not alleviate the critical need to address it.
Sex education is not just about reproduction. It is about MORALS and VALUES. That’s why sex education should start from home. It’s great when the school, church, mosque or youth organization supports your beliefs, BUT THEY SHOULD NEVER REPLACE MOM AND DAD.
Recent studies are proving that young people who are raised in homes where sex is openly discussed and strong values are communicated are far less likely to experiment with sex.
Rev Sam Adeyemi in his book, Sex Straight Talk, referred to Sex as the strongest natural emotion known to man.
Remember what it was like for you to be a teenager and look at the world around- You’ll agree that it’s a lot harder now.
Accurate teachings about the basics of life including sex and sexuality impart knowledge and promote maturity.
Our children deserve to know the whole truth about sexuality and its inherent dangers and joys.
It’s a fact that the human appetite for sex increases during the teenage years because of the invasion of hormones. This is a normal part of growing up.
Sex is an important topic that we should discuss with our young people to make sure they do not become misinformed and make serious mistakes.


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